I found this old dresser on Craigslist for $30. I've been dying to paint a chevron dresser, and this was the perfect style of dresser to test it out.
It was pretty banged up when I got it, so I added wood filler where needed. I removed the hardware and sanded the entire thing down very lightly.
I primed and painted the everything white.
I measured the sides and centers to make sure everything was evenly aligned, and then I taped from point to point. My stripes ended up being a little higher on the right side, but it was close enough.
I painted everything outside of my tape pink, leaving the inside white.
I glazed the entire thing with dark stain and added some polycrylic on top. It was a little tedious, but really not as hard as I thought it would be. It was super cheap and I had so much fun doing it!
After finishing this dresser, i was so excited to put it into my girls' room. I've had a small dresser with broken drawers in their room for the past year and I was excited to get something new. After putting the new dresser in their room I realized how bare the wall looked above it. So I went into my stash of frames and painted them a variety colors. I made a chalkboard out of one frame, put chicken wire behind another, stenciled my daughters initials, and put pictures in the rest. I cut out wood and stenciled letters to make signs. I spray painted an old lamp base pink, and made a new lamp shade out of chicken wire.
When I was all finished, this is how it all turned out!
I was worried about how all of the different colors would go together, but I ended up really liking the variety :)
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Restore Interiors,
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A Diamond in the Stuff,
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Finding Fabulous,
Five Days Five Ways,
At the Picket Fence,
The Shabby Nest,
Naptime Crafters,
Miss Mustard Seed,
Somewhat Simple,
The 36th Avenue,
The Shabby Creek Cottage,
House of the Hepworths,
Craft Envy,
Be Different Act Normal,
Positively Splendid,
Funky Junk Interiors,
I Heart Naptime,
Classy Clutter,
Kampen Lane,
Homemaker on a Dime,
Boogieboard Cottag