I found this gorgeous china cabinet on Craigslist for $65, and was super excited. I've never done a hutch before and I've always wanted to fix one up! I gave the entire thing a solid white coat, and then decided to give it a light 2nd coat for a little better coverage. A second coat isn't necessary with chalk paint...it just depends on your preference. After letting the paint dry, I did some distressing. Chalk Paint distresses very easily and gives the furniture a very professional look, even if you've never painted furniture before. After distressing, I wiped everything down again with an old t-shirt. I then applied a layer of light brown wax and with a rag and let it sit for 30 minutes. After letting it sit, I wiped off the wax using another rag. By buffing it out it gives everything a nice, smooth finish.
This is probably my favorite, but one of my most time consuming projects so far. I was so happy with how it turned out!
I link to these awesome parties:
Southern Lovely, DIY by Design, Embracing Change